Do you remember those old 1950s science fiction films where the alien spaceship lands near the Washington Monument and some alien in a silvery space suit steps out, raises his hand in supplication and says ... "we come in peace"?
You do? Then you might remember the next scene ...
Where the alien blasts the surrounding crowd with a ray gun!
I find it often very funny how life imitates art ... or is it art imitating life?
Our new 'aliens' nowadays come not from an far off planet but from a far off country in the Muslim lands of the Middle East and Eastern Europe. The right thing to do is not to judge a book by it's cover. We try, or at least should try, to look at everyone with an open heart and an open mind. Even when I was a little boy, my mother had always taught me to treat everyone the way I wanted to be treated until they gave you a reason not to. I believe that it is called the Golden rule.
I am trying very hard not to get to that point where I will look at anyone who calls themselves a Muslim as being a possible terrorist but when 6 men are arrested for planning a terrorist attack upon the US Army base at Ft. Dix, New Jersey I cannot help but be suspicious of their intent.
Then, when I am not looking, I find that a Hamas sponsored video was played on a US Government Arab speaking channel which implored people to perform violent acts of terror upon the State of Israel. 

I do not want to choose sides in this conflict but it is fast becoming a time when I will have no choice but to do so. I know that there are good Muslims ... there are also very good Jews and Christians too. Still, if I have to choose, I may someday have to choose to support my brothers in Jerusalem over my brothers in Mecca.
Jesus was a Jew ... Mohammad was not. It's that simple.
Until then, I will abide by the Golden rule and my mother's teachings.
All the while watching over my shoulder very carefully because sometimes, the aliens do not always come in peace.
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