The Democratic Party, the so-called Party of the People, continues to show itself to have a blatant disrespect for the authority of the Supreme Court and an even greater, and more blatant, disrespect for life. Not even a day after the Court passed a ruling upholding the ban upon partial-birth abortions, Senator Barbara Boxer of California and Rep. Jerold Nadler of Massachussetts co-sponsored a bill called "The Freedom of Choice Act". This Act, if passed, would circumvent the Court's ruling by making partial-birth abortions legal.
For a party which states it's concern over American casualties in Iraq, the Democrats seem to show little care for the deaths of American children. In 2005, there were 346,213 abortions performed in the United States alone. Since the ruling on Roe vs Wade in 1973, 48,589,993 abortions have been performed. Those numbers far surpass the total deaths of American soldiers in all the wars this nation has fought.
In addition to abortion, many Democrats ghoulishly still clamor for the stem cells taken from human embryos despite the fact that adult stem cells can be used in place.
The Democrats are no longer willing to discuss the issue of abortion and have taken on a smear campaign of the pro-life stand. On the website Democrats.com, the Democrats compared Republican pro-lifers to the Islamic fundamentalists who reside in Saudi Arabia. They additionally state that we have no regard for the health of women and yet, hypocritically, Democrats seem not to care about the health, or life, of that woman's unborn child.
Even removing the religious sentiments of many Americans, abortion is still murder. Any 8th grader in America can tell you that a baby is formed when a male sperm impregnates a female egg and begins to divide. That's called 'a living organism' people. It is not a virus or some bacteria which, if uncured, can cause a deadly disease; it's a developing human being.
Even removing the religious sentiments of many Americans, abortion is still murder. Any 8th grader in America can tell you that a baby is formed when a male sperm impregnates a female egg and begins to divide. That's called 'a living organism' people. It is not a virus or some bacteria which, if uncured, can cause a deadly disease; it's a developing human being.
The Democrats are are more worried about being popular than they are about doing what is the right thing to do. They say that history will be the judge of us and it will be curious to see what a generation, a hundred years from now, will say about the willing genocidal murder of 48 million unborn children.
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