One of the reasons I like conservatives is that they believe in the right of the individual to determine their own course within a society. I am a person; not a slave to a group. Having said that, what I write below are my own beliefs and morals. I have formulated them from 40 years of life; 20 of them in service to our country through the U.S. Navy.
I am a product of the Cold War and despise socialism and communism to this day. As Ronald Reagan once said, "How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin."
I understand Marx very well (I've read his Manifesto) and history has painted Lenin in the ugly light he deserved.
I have relatives and neighbors who once lived under communist rule. If you want to know what it's like, let me know, I'll take you to speak to them about it.
I believe in God, my family and my country; in that order. I believe in looking out for the poor but also in helping them stand on their own two feet. There is nothing worse than to see a family held in abject slavery because of economics and welfare.
I believe in morality as defined by the Bible and particularly by the Ten Commandments.
I am conservative in my views but I do not have tunnel vision. I do not like partisan politics. Still, I find fault with the Democrats and their acceptance and raising the banner for every cause under the sun.
We have been told that we should stand for something or you'll fall for anything. But when you stand for everything, not matter how ridiculous it is, you lose credibility.
Conservative is not a nasty word. A conservative is, according to dictionary.com:
1. disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change.
2.cautiously moderate or purposefully low: a conservative estimate.
3.traditional in style or manner; avoiding novelty or showiness: conservative suit.
4.(often initial capital letter) of or pertaining to the Conservative party.
5.(initial capital letter) of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Conservative Jews or Conservative Judaism.
6.having the power or tendency to conserve; preservative.
7. Mathematics. (of a vector or vector function) having curl equal to zero; irrotational; lamellar. –noun
8. a person who is conservative in principles, actions, habits, etc.
9.a supporter of conservative political policies.
10.(initial capital letter) a member of a conservative political party, esp. the Conservative party in Great Britain.
11. a preservative.
2.cautiously moderate or purposefully low: a conservative estimate.
3.traditional in style or manner; avoiding novelty or showiness: conservative suit.
4.(often initial capital letter) of or pertaining to the Conservative party.
5.(initial capital letter) of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Conservative Jews or Conservative Judaism.
6.having the power or tendency to conserve; preservative.
7. Mathematics. (of a vector or vector function) having curl equal to zero; irrotational; lamellar. –noun
8. a person who is conservative in principles, actions, habits, etc.
9.a supporter of conservative political policies.
10.(initial capital letter) a member of a conservative political party, esp. the Conservative party in Great Britain.
11. a preservative.
There is nothing vile nor harmful in that definition. Although, as for a perservative, I'm not salt but I have been known to rub salt in wounds!
I try hard to be civil and understanding with those who disagree with me.
I do have friends who are lifelong Democrats. As Gerald Ford said, "We can disagree, but we do not have to be disagreeable"
1. God and Religion
I am a Christian and therefore believe that Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God, that there is only one God, and that Christian principles and ideas were used to help create this country. I do believe that we should return to our Christian roots but also recognize that other faiths share this land with us. We should do unto others as we would want done to us. I do not, however, recognize New Age, quack cults as having any merit nor do I approve of those who mock Christians, Jews or Muslims.
2.. Law and the Constitution
I am a student of history and therefore realize that any society, if it is to be a society at all, must have laws, rules and regulations. A society that does not have just laws to govern them by will slip into anarchy and barbarism. The Dark Ages are an excellent example of what life would be like without laws. I also believe that the Constitution of the United States is one of the best legal documents ever created and it is, in conjunction with the Declaration of Independence, the foundation of our democracy. It should not be tampered with and should be left as it stands. It also should never be circumvented nor try to be ursurped by special interest groups.
3. The President of the United States/Government
Like it or not, but the President is the leader of this nation and he was elected by winning the majority votes of the electorate. He is not a dictator and he will leave office at the end of his term. You do not have to agree with him but you should learn at least to express your disagreements in a much more agreeable manner. Slander and insults only show your own lack of maturity and sincerity.
Government that governs least governs best. I do not like 'big' government and do not think it should intrude into our everyday lives. It sounds just too much like communism to me.
4. Racism and Sexism
I don't tolerate it period. I don't practice it. I've seen it and I don't like it. If you do believe in it, please take yourself elsewhere. In America, people are equal under the law and discrimination based upon race, creed or gender is illegal.
5. Abortion/Stem Cell research.
I was taught in biology class in 7th Grade that human conception (life) began when a male sperm fertilized a female egg and began to divide. Life is precious and should be saved whenever possible. I believe that abortion is wrong and genocidal. There are alternatives to abortion. I am split on stem cell research. I am for it if the cells are from an adult; but against it if they come from an unborn child. Taking them from an unborn child is, to me, akin to rape.
6. Same Sex Marriage
I do not agree with them. Marriage is between one man and one woman. There should be protection against violence; but not a Constitutional amendment granting marriage rights. Marriage is sanctioned by God; not by governments. Civil Unions should be approved at the State level. I also do not approve of the agenda to lure young people into and approving of the homosexual lifestyle.
7. War on Terror/Iraq
I agree with the War on Terror and support the invasion of Afghanistan and the pursuit of Al-Qaeda. The invasion of Iraq was a mistake but it would be even a bigger mistake to abandon the Iraqis to both sectarian infighting and the watchul, preying eyes of the Syrians and Iranians. We made a mistake. We must fix it. I fully support my brothers and sisters in uniform fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.
8. Education/Health care
Our schools suck. They are more jungle than they are blackboard learning institutions. They have failed mightily and continue to do so. I am for funding of religion sponsored private schools, charter schools and school vouchers.
A national health care plan along the lines of that run in Canada and Great Britain would break the US economy. Insurance companies and doctors, however, need to be reeled in and stopped from charging the outrageous fees they charge for their services. Insurance and medical services must be made more affordable to everyone.
9. Taxes/Social Security
I've paid taxes all my life and as long as they are not a burden I will continue to do so. I agree with George Bush's tax cuts.
If the government cannot manage social security then it should either be privatized or people allowed to put away part of their own money into a retirement account.
10. Globalization/Immigration
I was born an American. That is how I identify myself. My ancestors left the Old World because the Old World persecuted them because of their religion, their politics, their race or culture and economically kept them in chains. I am for discourse with the rest of the world; but not an alliance. NATO has outlived it's purpose and the UN is corrupt and ineffectual. I don't agree with NAFTA, the International Court system or the Tokyo Accords.
I am for immigration; but only legal immigration. Illegal immigrants need to be sent home. Our services are for American citizens and those who enter our country through legal means. We are not the world's welfare service.
11. The Right to Bear Arms
I do not own a weapon but I have. I believe in a citizen's right to defend themselves against aggression. Still, I am also for tighter gun laws to prevent guns from ending up in the hands of criminals.
12. Cloning.
I am against it. It's morally and ethically wrong. We are not God nor do we have the right to play God.
I am watching the candidates for Office very closely. I would like to see the conservative agenda continue.
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