I am never going to be rich or even moderately wealthy. It's just a fact of life that I have readily accepted. Still, although I may never be able to travel around in expensive Hermani suits or associated expensive hotels on the Riviera or playing high stakes poker at the casinos at Monte Carlo while drinking martinis, shaken, not stirred, I can always dream of being Secret Agent 007 ... that's Bond, James Bond to you. 

What guy doesn't want to dress debonaire, thwart villianous spies and nab gorgeous girls?
Like I said, it's a fantasy, reality is a heck of a lot less dramatic and is actually pretty mundane.
C'est Le Vie! As the French say ....
But still ... the car... man, what a dream!
Ever since I saw the latest James Bond film, Casino Royale, I have been in love with Bond's Aston-Martin. I viewed the models of the car and colors available and I love the one pictured above. Forest Green has always been my favorite color. Sigh, but at a cost of $170,000 the only way I'll ever be behind the wheel of James Bond's car is in the fantasies in my head.
Oh well, there is nothing wrong with having dreams .....
Hey, what are you staring at? This is MY fantasy! Get your own!!!
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