For all of the liberal claim to openly embrace everyone there seems to be quite a few people left behind in this massive group hug of theirs. I am speaking mainly about the growing liberal hatred of anything Christian. Recently, in New Jersey, a school held a terrorist drill where the 'terrorists' were right wing Christians. The supposed terrorists seized the school because two students were expelled for openly praying in school. Although a clamor was raised over the insult to the many people who claim Christianity as their religion; the apology offered by the school district definitely could have been of a more sincere nature.
It is becoming increasingly popular to ridicule and openly attack Christians in public. As a Scarborough Country article which appeared on MSNBC writes, "American media companies are raking in millions of dollars from movies, books and TV series that attack Christians and depict Jesus as a fraud. This week’s Newsweek offers a thoughtful piece on whether God even exists, but its respectful approach to a subject once thought taboo is the exception rather than the rule. It seems big media is cashing in on a growing trend to attack God, Christians, and followers of all faiths."

It is not just Christians who are the targets of liberals for conservatives, of every type, are also under a scrutinizing attack from the left. Open debate, once the cornerstone of our society, is no longer tolerated nor practiced by the left who much prefer falling back from debate and into a more seedier discussion filled with name calling and slanderous attacks. Thomas Sowell, himself a victim of many of these attacks, writes in a Townhall.com article that "The source of the anger of liberals, "progressives" or radicals is by no means readily apparent. The targets of their anger have included people who are non-confrontational or even genial, such as Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush. "
So, the left has declared an open hunting season on both Christians and conservatives and this is from those who claim that they embrace everyone?
It must be one heck of an embrace for it is laced not with compassion and understand but with a liberal sprinkling of intolerance and bigotry.
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