"God grants liberty only to those who love it, and are always ready to guard and defend it." ~ Daniel Webster
In this age of violence, it is important to many to have a sense of security. We all crave it and will guard the safety of our families and friends with our lives. However, sometimes all is not what it’s cut out to be. A false sense of security is a dangerous trap to fall into. Unfortunately, it is one that I feel that many Americans, particularly those on the left, have already found themselves lured into.
Those on the left, the liberals, the Democrats, talk too much. They feel that negotiation will solve all the problems in the world. Let me rephrase that. It’s not so much negotiation that the Democrats and their liberal contingency want as much as it is appeasement of an enemy which wants to usurp and to destroy the United States. They are willing to sell out our nation for a false sense of security. Like Neville Chamberlain, the Democrats talk so much and are so willing to compromise the standing, if not the security, of the United States to the point where it would not surprise me at all if the liberal Democrats were completely willing to surrender the entire country to radical Jihadists. After all, the Democrats do not like Christianity; perhaps they will embrace Islam instead. Ladies, buy your burqas now while you can. Perhaps you can get them before they change the fashion style next spring.
Although many seem to ignore it, America is in a state of war. While millions of us go about our daily business everyday nearly oblivious to the fact that there are thousands of American soldiers, sailors and airmen who are fighting that war everyday. Sadly, many of us are apathetic to their cause or their welfare. They would rather spend their time musing over the goings on of Desperate Housewives, who got dumped on American Idol and what was the score of the NBA game last night.
America has enemies who are bent on our destruction. As much as the left would love to place the burden for all of this squarely in the lap of America itself, this is not so. Sometimes, people hate just because they can. In the case of the Jihadists, they want to destroy America so that there will be no one to stop them from spreading their evil form of Islam throughout the globe. This is Fascism but on a different level than we’ve ever seen before. Our enemy doesn’t arrive on our shores on military ships and planes but as tourists and illegal immigrants. They arrive stealthily and lay in secret waiting, like a coiled snake, for their opportunity to strike us when we are not looking.
It is therefore necessary for us, as Americans, to be eternally vigilant for the enemy is not only without; but within. Just look at the most recent headlines concerning the foiled terrorist attack at Ft Dix, New Jersey and the arrest of the Miami-7 last summer.
America needs to wake up from the terrible slumber we have fallen into. 9/11 was only the opening phase of an attack upon our nation. Our enemy is patient and they are willing to wait for their next chance to take a swing at us. 9/11 will happen again and the only way to stop it is to remain vigilant and not surrender ourselves to complacency.
Those on the left, the liberals, the Democrats, talk too much. They feel that negotiation will solve all the problems in the world. Let me rephrase that. It’s not so much negotiation that the Democrats and their liberal contingency want as much as it is appeasement of an enemy which wants to usurp and to destroy the United States. They are willing to sell out our nation for a false sense of security. Like Neville Chamberlain, the Democrats talk so much and are so willing to compromise the standing, if not the security, of the United States to the point where it would not surprise me at all if the liberal Democrats were completely willing to surrender the entire country to radical Jihadists. After all, the Democrats do not like Christianity; perhaps they will embrace Islam instead. Ladies, buy your burqas now while you can. Perhaps you can get them before they change the fashion style next spring.
Although many seem to ignore it, America is in a state of war. While millions of us go about our daily business everyday nearly oblivious to the fact that there are thousands of American soldiers, sailors and airmen who are fighting that war everyday. Sadly, many of us are apathetic to their cause or their welfare. They would rather spend their time musing over the goings on of Desperate Housewives, who got dumped on American Idol and what was the score of the NBA game last night.
America has enemies who are bent on our destruction. As much as the left would love to place the burden for all of this squarely in the lap of America itself, this is not so. Sometimes, people hate just because they can. In the case of the Jihadists, they want to destroy America so that there will be no one to stop them from spreading their evil form of Islam throughout the globe. This is Fascism but on a different level than we’ve ever seen before. Our enemy doesn’t arrive on our shores on military ships and planes but as tourists and illegal immigrants. They arrive stealthily and lay in secret waiting, like a coiled snake, for their opportunity to strike us when we are not looking.
It is therefore necessary for us, as Americans, to be eternally vigilant for the enemy is not only without; but within. Just look at the most recent headlines concerning the foiled terrorist attack at Ft Dix, New Jersey and the arrest of the Miami-7 last summer.
America needs to wake up from the terrible slumber we have fallen into. 9/11 was only the opening phase of an attack upon our nation. Our enemy is patient and they are willing to wait for their next chance to take a swing at us. 9/11 will happen again and the only way to stop it is to remain vigilant and not surrender ourselves to complacency.
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