Friday, May 25, 2007
An American Terrorist Says Hello
Over my term of service to my country, I have been called many things. Being in the Navy has afforded me the opportunity to travel the world and to meet a variety of people. I have been called a 'hero' by Viet Nam vets and from a man who owned a restaraunt in Haifa, Israel. I was called 'friend' by a Greek in the city of Rhodes and was given many thanks from the citizens of New Orleans for helping them to recover from the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina.
I have defended the interests of my country in three different wars. In the First Gulf War, my command aided Kurdish refugees with humanitarian supplies. In the Balkans, I helped throw back the aggressive Serbs and put an end to their genocidal practices in Kosovo. In the Caribbean, I chased and helped capture drug smugglers who poison our children with their 'product'. In 2003, I participated in the overthrow of dictator, criminal and human rights abuser, Saddam Hussein. I returned to the Gulf in 2005 and resumed my mission. Everywhere I have gone, I have fought for liberty, the security and the safety of other people.
But, according to the wisdom of Rosie O'Donnell, I am a terrorist.
I strongly believe that Ms. O'Donnell is greatly mistaken in her concept and definition of just what a terrorist is. A terrorist, by Webster's dictionary, is one who uses terror to accomplish a political end. The only "end" I have pursued in my career is the safety of others and to defend them against aggression.
In the beleagured nation of Iraq, Islamic extremists have pursued a campaign to put an end to the spread of democracy in the Middle East. The insurgency is being funded and aided, militarily, by elements of the group known as Al-Qaeda and by the governments of Iran and Syria who fear a democratic regime on their doorstep.
In this extreme version of Islam, women would become slaves and the people would fall under the rule and whims of mullahs instead of being able to rule themselves. Their rights and liberties would be determined by a few instead of by the many.
Rosie O'Donnell is mistaken in her definition of the word terrorist; just as she is in a great number of things. Unlike these people, I do not believe in the selfish and dictatorial practices of 'one man rule'. I do not enforce my religious beliefs upon others. I do not blow up markets or kidnap people and leave their dead bodies laying in some river. I do not behead prisoners of war nor do I make threats against civilians.
Nor do any of my comrades in arms in the US Army, Air Force, Coast Guard or Marine Corps.
Unlike Rosie O'Donnell, I know what it is like to be dedicated to something and to show loyalty to my friends and co-workers. After seeing the world, I also know what it is like to not be able to enjoy the freedoms we do in a democratic society. Ms. O'Donnell would prefer it if American soldiers left Iraq to the wiles of Islamic extremists and the predatory desires of Iran and Syria. I would much prefer if the people of Iraq were allowed to determine their own path and to rule themselves freely.
I have been to Israel and the Middle East and have seen with my own eyes what real terrorists do to people and the society which they infiltrate. I know fully the difference between right and wrong; good and evil. I have seen, with my own eyes, the sacrifices people have been willing to make in the name of freedom and security.
But, still, according to the all wise and knowing Rosie O'Donnell I am a terrorist?
Ms. Rosie O'Donnell has no idea, whatsoever, what it means to 'sacrifice' for anything or for anyone. She is a selfish, self centered woman who allows her ignorance of facts to determine her beliefs. She relies not on truth but upon propaganda and malicious rumors and loudly relays them on national television. Ms. O'Donnell has no concept of just what a 'terrorist' is. She is not a journalist nor is she professional by any means and I recommend that she, at least, ask someone who has lived under terrorism just how they feel about it instead of just spouting off her own misled and misinformed opinions before the world.
I stand fully behind my friends and fellow servicemen in Iraq. They are good men and women doing a job that no one else who stayed behind on the safety of their sofas know anything about. I know this from having served side by side with these men and women for nearly 20 years. They are my friends, my comrades and my family. I don't betray either of those for anyone let alone for politics.
If I am a terrorist, then I am in very good company for I follow in the footsteps of those who gave their lives at Valley Forge, Gettysburg, the Somme, Iwo Jima, Chosin Resevoir and Viet Nam.
So, as they say in Alcoholics Anonymous, I repeat with tongue firmly planted in cheek, Hello, my name is Michael and I am an American terrorist. Pleased to make your acquaintance.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Rudy Giuliani says he can represent Blue states

Iraq Veteran no Veteran at All.
A man who claimed in an anti-war video to have "slaughtered" hundreds of civilians while serving with the Army Rangers in Iraq faces federal charges of falsifying his record.
Jesse MacBeth, 23, alleged in a 20-minute production by a 1970s antiwar activist he personally killed 200 civilians, many of them at close range, while on patrols with the Army Rangers during 16 months in Iraq before being discharged due to wounds.
click here to read more on this story.
What is Wrong with People?
When I grew up, my neighbors knew whose child I was and would watch and report my doings to my mother and father. I was never afraid to go to a neighbor for help. It was also not uncommon for me to be brought by the ear by my neighbors to them when I did something wrong. Nowadays, people just want to mind their own business.
The idea of a community is fast slipping away as we become more isolationist in our ways. I wonder why this young woman could not go to anyone for help? Why, if she was pregnant, could she not talk to someone? I'm puzzled completely.
The full story, of course, has not been told concerning the reason how the baby died and why it was placed in the trunk of the car. It is even more bizarre that the young woman, a freshman in college, did not have the common sense to go to the authorities or to a local hospital. But, I believe that something is seriously wrong with our society.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Know Your Coffee

Saturday, May 19, 2007
Perchance to Dream ...

C'est Le Vie! As the French say ....
John Edwards Poor Choice of Days

For quite a while, I've had a begrudging respect for Senator John Edwards even though he is a Democrat. I relate to his growing up in the lower middle class. I admired the fact that he got where he was through his own efforts. Even during the 2004 Vice-Presidential debates, the soft-spoken South Carolinian seemed to have a grasp of what it is like to be a common man in America.
My respect for Senator Edwards has fallen, however, by his plan to stage anti-war protests across the country this Memorial Day.
I am not criticizing Senator Edwards right to protest, in fact, I encourage it. It's his right to do so under the First Amendment of the Constitution. What I do find fault with is the Senator's poor choice of days.
Memorial Day is a day when we are to remember those who have fallen in battle while defending our great nation. Although I believe Senator Edward's respect for veterans is true, it is with my deepest regret and sorrow that he chooses a day to remember veterans to make a political statement about the war in Iraq.
As much as Senator Edwards states that we should 'support the troops, not the war' I know, deep in my heart, that not everyone feels this way and that the rally will only end up as an ugly display and as a golden opportunity for those of the radical left to mock those who wear a uniform.
As a whole, I believe that the vast majority of Americans look favorably upon the men and women who serve in the Armed Forces. Still, there is that very loud minority who do not like soldiers and who take every opportunity afforded them to stir up dissent and to spout hatred towards servicemen.
I now believe that the slogan, "support the troops, not the war" is a false statement for you cannot do both. It is like cheering for your home team at the Superbowl all the while secretly rooting for the visiting team to win. It is therefore impossible to support the troops without supporting the war.
The radical left is going to take over and use this rally to shout out their ridiculous and unwarranted hatred of the military. Because of this, I wish that Senator Edwards would choose a different day to make his statement. Already there has been one burning of a US soldier in effigy in Oregon. How long will it be before returning soldiers are spit on again just like their Viet Nam predecessors? Or are attacked in airports? There are too many leftist radical who yearn for a return to those days of Viet Nam protests.
As a letter written by a young woman named Serai1 to the editor of states: " are you seriously suggesting that people shouldn't protest on Memorial Day because it isn't polite?? In case you haven't noticed, this entire WAR isn't polite. War is filthy, nasty and obscene - what makes you think being polite about protesting is going to do a damn thing to make it stop?
And Memorial Day being "sacred"? Oh, give me a break. Armistice Day was sacred. Memorial Day (weekend - nobody celebrates the holiday anymore) is, for the vast majority of people, the first three-day weekend of the summer, and the weekend when the first big summer blockbusters hit the theaters. Most people have no idea what it is that's being memorialized, even."
This is the sentiment expressed by many on the side of the radical left; the side made up of crazy new agers, ultra-liberals, socialists, anarchists and just plain troublemakers.
I know that Senator Edwards only wants to honor veterans, or, at least, thinks he does, but this isn't the way to do it and his choice of day to hold his rally is an extreme poor one that has cost him my respect.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Chuck Hagel & Fred Thompson
Senator Chuck Hagel (R) Nebraska on the Iraq War Funding Bill
Fred Thompson: What I Believe
On Abortion On the Issues
Mitt Romney for President
Thursday, May 17, 2007
A Short Musical Interlude
Toby Keith: American Soldier
Skid Row: I Remember You
Night Ranger: You Can Still Rock (In America)
Damn Yankees: Don't Tread On Me
Def Leppard: The Gods of War
Bruce Springsteen: Born in the USA
A Gift of Life
I read with horror that since Roe vs Wade was passed in 1971, over 46 million abortions have been performed in this country alone. Abortions are horrible and I am thoroughly against them not only because of the procedure itself murders a human being but because I am speaking from the viewpoint of a child who escaped the process itself.
I was born in 1967. My mother discovered that she was pregnant with me in the summer of 1966. My mother, a lifelong diabetic, was advised by her doctor that she should abort me instead of carrying me to term. He warned that carrying me would be an incredible burden to her body; putting a strain upon her kidneys and possibly costing my mother her own life.
My mother, raised a Catholic, scoffed at her doctor's suggestion and took it upon herself to carry me to full term. My mother and I both survived the birthing process and I was granted life. My mother was ill for some time but she did not die. An abortion, therefore, would have been pointless. My Mom was so determined to be a 'mother' that three years later, she gave birth to my brother. Again, she survived the process.
I am very grateful to my Mom that she took such a courageous stand. Because she did, I have experienced the joys of growing up in a family that loved me completely. I experienced sunrises, sunsets, laughter and sorrow. I learned to love to play baseball and to swim in the ocean. I saw the stars shine brightly at night and listened to birds sing in the sunlight. I learned to appreciate sublte joy of petting a cat and the brittle coldness of a snowball thrown in winter by my brother; laughing all the time.
I learned to read and to write. I learned about teamwork and about responsibility. I graduated high school and enlisted in the US Navy. I learned meteorology as a trade and even became somewhat of a writer.
I can play a harmonica and am learning the keyboard. I've also learned what it is to love someone and to have them love me back. I learned what it was like to be alive.
I never would have learned or experienced any of this had my mother been a selfish person and placed her own safety over mine.
As a survivor, I believe that every child has the right to know what it is like to be alive. They need to experience the same joys and sorrows that I did. These experiences make up that which we call life. It's an amazing journey.
Thank you, Mom.
A Remarkable Obituary
Sense had been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he
was since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape.
He will be remembered as having cultivated such value lessons as knowing when to come in out of the rain, why the early bird gets the worm and
that life isn't always fair. Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial
policies (don't spend more than you earn) and reliable parenting
strategies (adults, not kids, are in charge).
His health began to rapidly deteriorate when well intentioned but
overbearing regulations were set in place- Reports of a six-year-old boy
charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended
from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for
reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition.
Mr. Sense declined even further when schools were required to get
parental consent to administer aspirin to a student; but, could not inform the
parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion.
Finally, Common Sense lost the will to live as the Ten Commandments
became contraband; churches became businesses; and criminals received better
treatment than their victims.
Common Sense finally gave up the ghost after a woman failed to realize
that a steaming cup of coffee was hot. She spilled a bit in her lap, and was
awarded a huge financial settlement.
Common Sense was preceded in death by his parents, Truth and Trust, his
wife, Discretion; his daughter, Responsibility; and his son, Reason. He
is survived by two stepbrothers; My Rights and Ima Whiner.
Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone.
If you still remember him, pass this on; if not, join the majority and do
Fred Thompson on Hannity & Colmes
Part Two
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Liberally sprinkled with Intolerance & Bigotry

We Come In Peace ....

Where is the Party of Lincoln?

Where is the Party of Lincoln?
Abraham Lincoln is my favorite American hero. Not only did he preserve the Union but he also ended the scourge of African slavery; beginning the long fight carried on by such people as Frederick Douglass, Marcus Garvey and Dr. Martin Luther King jr to prove the words, 'all men are created equal'.
Lincoln held sway over a political party which championed not only the rights of the individual but also became, for awhile, the self proclaimed protector of the Constitution. Lincoln had a vision as to what he intended to see the post-Civil War America become. Sadly, his plans were cut short by an assassin's bullet at Ford's Theater in Washington, DC.
Lincoln's dream became lost as his political descendants became embroiled with corruption and came under the influence of businessmen and corporations.
If Lincoln were alive today, I often wonder if he would recognize those who claim to be the political heirs of his legacy. Would he agree with the 'compassionate conservatism' of George W. Bush or the right wing talk of Newt Gingrich? Would he approve of Mitt Romney's Mormonism or Rudy Giuliani's stance on abortion and gay rights? Or, would he argue with Ron Paul on his absurd government conspiracy theories or agree with them?
Or would Lincoln, perhaps, find something more in common with more erstwhile Republicans such as Chuck Hagel, John McCain or Fred Thompson?
I think that over the years, the Republican party I call my own has somehow lost Lincoln's message in transmission. I am not even sure if it is even the same party Ronald Reagan called his during his administration in the 1980s. It's conservatism seems to be befuddled of late and the party acts as if it knows not which direction to steer.
I'm not sure where we are but I am sure of this: it sure would be nice to return to that long ago, Party of Lincoln again.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Does the Republican Party have to change?

Thursday, May 10, 2007
The New Pledge of Allegiance

New Pledge of Allegiance (TOTALLY AWESOME)
New Pledge of Allegiance!
A kid in Arizona wrote the attached NEW School prayer.
I liked it.
Now I sit me down in school
Where praying is against the rule
For this great nation under God
Finds mentioning of Him to be very odd.
If Scripture now the class recites,
It now violates the Bill of Rights.
And anytime my head I bow
It becomes a Federal matter now.
Our hair can be purple, orange or green,
That's no offense; it's a freedom thing
The law is specific, the law is precise.
Prayers spoken aloud are a serious vice.
For praying in a public hall
Might offend those with no faith at all.
In silence alone we must meditate,
For God's name is prohibited by the state.
We're allowed to cuss and dress like freaks,
And pierce our noses, tongues and cheeks.
They've outlawed guns, but FIRST the Bible.
To quote the Good Book makes me liable.
We can elect a pregnant Senior Queen,
And the 'unwed daddy,' our Senior King.
It's "inappropriate" to teach right from wrong,
We're taught that such "judgments" do not belong.
We can get our condoms and birth controls,
Study witchcraft, vampires and totem poles.
But the Ten Commandments are not allowed,
For the Word of God must ever reach this crowd.
It's scary here I must confess,
When chaos reigns the school's a mess.
So, Lord, this silent plea I make:
Should I be shot; Please Lord, My soul do take!
Where Have You Gone Joe DiMaggio?

My Dad was, and still is, a fan of the Philadelphia Phillies and his favorite player was Richie Ashburn. My Dad has stayed true to his team through the ups and the many downs of that beleaguered franchise. He remembers seeing the old Shibe Park, sitting in the bleachers at Connie Mack Stadium and the first year of the Vet.
I saw my own very first Big League Game in 1978 as I watched the Phillies beat up on the Chicago Cubs. I have inherited my Dad’s love for the game but, as things often turn out, I am more than disappointed by today’s baseball players.
Those who played during my Dad’s youth were blue collar men who held jobs in the off season to make ends meet. There were no limos, no chauffeurs, no fine dining. Ballplayers ate at the hot dog stand at the corner and drank at the bar down the street. Ballplayers were househ

Today’s ballplayers, however, make me sick with their million dollar salaries and overblown personalities. Free agency has destroyed the team concept of baseball. There is too much focus on personal stats than there is on winning as a team.
I yearn for the ‘old’ days of baseball when the players were more personable and you knew everyone on the team. When players played because they love the game; not so they can get endorsements.
As Simon & Garfunkel once sang, “Where have you gone Joe DiMaggio?”
Show me the Money?!?!?

Gays Taunting Priests

Homosexual Activists Track, Taunt Priest( - An Episcopal priest in Colorado Springs is being hounded by homosexual activists who tossed a pie at him in church on Sunday; and then photographed him parking illegally outside a coffee shop, the Rocky Mountain News reported. "Don Armstrong deserves it for any number of reasons," said Noel Black, publisher of a self-described satire and gay advocacy publication. Black said that Armstrong has been ongoing fodder for the publication because of his history of opposing "gay rights."
Stupid is As Stupid Does

The Press Determined to Give Up Hero of Ft DIx

When the terrorists avenge themselves, I hope that this reporter will be sure to send his condolences to the man's family. As a commentator posted on the article: "But I can't help but want to smack this reporter upside the head for giving out this kind of information on a private citizen who was just trying to do his part".
Securing the Land of Liberty

Those on the left, the liberals, the Democrats, talk too much. They feel that negotiation will solve all the problems in the world. Let me rephrase that. It’s not so much negotiation that the Democrats and their liberal contingency want as much as it is appeasement of an enemy which wants to usurp and to destroy the United States. They are willing to sell out our nation for a false sense of security. Like Neville Chamberlain, the Democrats talk so much and are so willing to compromise the standing, if not the security, of the United States to the point where it would not surprise me at all if the liberal Democrats were completely willing to surrender the entire country to radical Jihadists. After all, the Democrats do not like Christianity; perhaps they will embrace Islam instead. Ladies, buy your burqas now while you can. Perhaps you can get them before they change the fashion style next spring.
Although many seem to ignore it, America is in a state of war. While millions of us go about our daily business everyday nearly oblivious to the fact that there are thousands of American soldiers, sailors and airmen who are fighting that war everyday. Sadly, many of us are apathetic to their cause or their welfare. They would rather spend their time musing over the goings on of Desperate Housewives, who got dumped on American Idol and what was the score of the NBA game last night.
America has enemies who are bent on our destruction. As much as the left would love to place the burden for all of this squarely in the lap of America itself, this is not so. Sometimes, people hate just because they can. In the case of the Jihadists, they want to destroy America so that there will be no one to stop them from spreading their evil form of Islam throughout the globe. This is Fascism but on a different level than we’ve ever seen before. Our enemy doesn’t arrive on our shores on military ships and planes but as tourists and illegal immigrants. They arrive stealthily and lay in secret waiting, like a coiled snake, for their opportunity to strike us when we are not looking.
It is therefore necessary for us, as Americans, to be eternally vigilant for the enemy is not only without; but within. Just look at the most recent headlines concerning the foiled terrorist attack at Ft Dix, New Jersey and the arrest of the Miami-7 last summer.
America needs to wake up from the terrible slumber we have fallen into. 9/11 was only the opening phase of an attack upon our nation. Our enemy is patient and they are willing to wait for their next chance to take a swing at us. 9/11 will happen again and the only way to stop it is to remain vigilant and not surrender ourselves to complacency.
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
U.S. Grant We Need You Now

Grant was not a popular general and many in both his administration and Lincoln's political opponents disagreed with Lincoln's choice of Grant to lead the Federal Army. Lincoln once sighed in frustration over the many rumors spoken about Grant by saying, "I cannot relieve this man; he fights!"
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
No More Heroes?

We all have opportunities to be heroes every day but we choose not to. We ignore the pleas of those around us who need our help; those people who are looking for a hero.
I ran across these videos of Cpl. Chris Mason on YouTube quite by accident. Cpl. Mason was killed in Iraq on November 28, 2006. Cpl. Mason believed in his mission to take down Saddam Hussein and to help the people of Iraq learn to govern themselves. He loved God, his country and serving in the US Army. I have never met Chris Mason but his dedication to duty and his unselfish love for others is a true inspiration.
Chris Mason is a hero because he gave willingly of himself. He was not a draftee but a volunteer. While thousands of able bodied men sit around in front of their video games or in coffee houses in campuses across the nation complaining about the War in Iraq Chris Mason decided to stop talking and to do something about it. He joined the US Army. He did his duty and paid the ultimate sacrifice for it.
While our troops engage both Iraqi insurgents and elements of Al-Qaeda there are members of Congress who wish to cut off all funding to men like Chris Mason. They wish to surrender them to our nations enemies all in the name of political expediency. While the President and our men and women in uniform wish to stay the course the Democrats wish to cut and run just so they can save face. The Democrats want to unmask our heroes, take off their cape and nullify their powers. They wish to destroy the very people who help to defend our country. They wish to nullify people like Chris Mason.
You don't have to wear a uniform to be a hero but it sure doesn't hurt either.
There are no more heroes?
I think that it is high time we took our blinders off.
Please take a moment to view the videos of an American hero; Chris Mason.
Monday, May 7, 2007
A Blatant Disrespect For Life

For a party which states it's concern over American casualties in Iraq, the Democrats seem to show little care for the deaths of American children. In 2005, there were 346,213 abortions performed in the United States alone. Since the ruling on Roe vs Wade in 1973, 48,589,993 abortions have been performed. Those numbers far surpass the total deaths of American soldiers in all the wars this nation has fought.
Even removing the religious sentiments of many Americans, abortion is still murder. Any 8th grader in America can tell you that a baby is formed when a male sperm impregnates a female egg and begins to divide. That's called 'a living organism' people. It is not a virus or some bacteria which, if uncured, can cause a deadly disease; it's a developing human being.
Conditional Tolerance

According to a FoxNews article hundreds of Christians are fleeing Iraq to avoid persecution by radical elements of Islam. Where there once was peace between the two faiths, there is now a threat of open warfare on the scale seen in Lebanon during its Civil War in the late 70s and 1980s. Christian churches are being bombed and its congregation being coerced through kidnapping, extortion and violence to abandon Christianity and convert to Islam. Nearly 50 percent of Iraq's prewar Christian population has already abandoned the country and more threaten to do so. It seems as if we have returned to those dark days of the Crusades where the three major faiths of the world are at each other's throats.

Sunday, May 6, 2007
Viva Le Revoluccion

In the interest of friendship, I read Marx's The Communist Manifesto and Che's Motorcycle Diaries. My opinion on Marx is that his theories sound nice, but in practice, they fail miserably. For all his utopian ideals, and the bloody revolutions of the 20th Century, there is not one socialist nation that can call itself truly socialist. As for Che, I think he meant well, for he was definitely touched by the poverty he saw in Latin America, but the ends do not always justify the means. Murder and terrorism are not the way to establish change in society. Instead of becoming a hero to rally the masses, he became a criminal instead.
I do not feel that socialism is a viable form of government. Socialism fails because it does not take into count that mankind is, perhaps by nature, a greedy animal. Socialism is about taking what is yours and giving it to someone else without your permission. Socialism is about surredering your identity to the group. Socialism is about giving up your free will. Socialism is not freedom; it is slavery and humanity has abhored slavery for as long as we have existed. Socialism crushes the spirit of the individual. The individual is required to surrender himself to the state; to prostate himself to the group. Humanity has never liked chains. This too is another reason why socialism fails.
I have turned in Marx's Manifesto to my local library. I've kept Che's books only because they are so eloquently written and they present a vivid picture of life for a peasant in 1950s Latin America. I do not like socialism. I will not surrender my individuality. I like my freedom. I like my right to say 'no, I don't want to do that.'
It is, therefore, with great pleasure that I read that French Conservative, Nicolas Sarkozy, won the national election defeating the socialist candidate, Segolene Royal by a near 8 point percentage margin. Sarkozy's conservative revolution has won a major victory. He won the election but now must live up to his promise to restore France's economy and standing in the International community; a major challenge but one that Sarkozy willingly embraces.
This victory should send a message to the left that their agenda is becoming unraveled. Conservatives have been elected in Mexico, Canada, Germany and now France. Somehow, the message they wish to convey just isn't making it to the voters in the booths.
This is a good day for American and French relations. For the past 12 years, our once valued friendship had been sliding miserably into a bitter rivalry. Sarkozy has promised to restore France's ties with the United States and, to be honest, it is high time we did.
Starbucks Takes On God

Posted: May 6, 20072:07 p.m. Eastern
© 2007
An Ohio woman is steaming after reading an anti-God message published on the side of a Starbucks coffee cup.
The National Hurricane Center

This will be my last opportunity to work with the NHC before I officially retire and sail off into that sunset known as civilian life. Through the years, I have to admit, working with the NHC has more than been entertaining.
They are smart guys and are good at their profession. The majority of them have years of experience and education behind them. Sometimes, though, too much education can be a hinder to the forecasting process and you just have to go with your gut instincts or be brave enough to say, 'ya know, I ain't got a clue as to where Mother Nature is going to send this one!"
Of course, the NHC does not operate that way. It is, after all, funded by the U.S. Government. Every year, it must fight to justify it's budget requirements. They have been over-creative by making overblown hurricane predictions ensuring that at least one 'monster storm' will threaten the coast of the United States. A good part of the time, they are correct, other times you would think it was time for them to throw away those tarot cards and chicken bones they use.
I have attended many of the conference calls the NHC and the US Navy have to coordinate their hurricane forecasts. I understand that money is tight but sometimes it seems that they will make up a storm that isn't a storm. They will take the slightest tropical disturbance (meaning an area of thunderstorms) and call it a tropical depression even though it may not have the upper level atmospheric support or it's just a short lived incident. Still, numbers will be numbers and the NHC is guilty of padding those hurricane forecast numbers. The discussions sometimes can take on a comical bend as they tend to make up theories to support their imaginary storms. It's as if 150 years of science, history and physics gets thrown out the door with the trash as you listen to a man with a college degree rewrite science to fit his theory.
Anyway, the 2007 hurricane season is going to be fast upon us. Buy your tickets now and get a good seat before the show starts.
Interview with Fred Thompson

Of all the Republican candidates, I like Fred Thompson first, with Mitt Romney second and Rudy Guiliani last. McCain lost my support long ago and I've no interest in the other candidates.
My Beliefs

2.cautiously moderate or purposefully low: a conservative estimate.
3.traditional in style or manner; avoiding novelty or showiness: conservative suit.
4.(often initial capital letter) of or pertaining to the Conservative party.
5.(initial capital letter) of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Conservative Jews or Conservative Judaism.
6.having the power or tendency to conserve; preservative.
7. Mathematics. (of a vector or vector function) having curl equal to zero; irrotational; lamellar. –noun
8. a person who is conservative in principles, actions, habits, etc.
9.a supporter of conservative political policies.
10.(initial capital letter) a member of a conservative political party, esp. the Conservative party in Great Britain.
11. a preservative.