Friday, November 9, 2007

Rudy Gaining on Hillary

Rudy Gaining on Hillary Current mood: calm Category: News and Politics
Hillary Clinton's dreamwalk is ending and her nightmare has just begun.
Because of her flip-flopping and blatant lies about her voting record concerning the Iraq War and authorization of military force against Iran, she is losing the confidence of her supporters allowing the Republicans to gain ground on her. The latest Wall Street Journal/NBC (found on poll shows Senator Hillary Clinton slipping in the polls and former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani gaining ground to pull even with her.
Although conservatives bristle at the idea, Rudy's stance on abortion and gay rights may sway moderates away from Senator Clinton's neo-socialism and firmly into the Republican camp.
I hate to say that during this election I must vote for the lesser of the two evils and I've been looking into Rudy Giuliani, Fred Thompson and John McCain as candidates I would be willing to support in the upcoming Presidential election.
Although I've lost confidence with the current Republican leadership I'm still willing to stay the course with them.
You may ask why and I'll be glad to tell you.
1. The Democrats say they support the troops but not the war but they not only have forwarded efforts to cut the funding to our soldiers in the field but they said very little when made their false accusations towards General Petraeus during his Senate hearing last September. As a serviceman myself, my unit is currently operating without a budget thanks to the Democrats stalling in Congress.
2. The Democrats claim they support religion but yet they continue to also support abortion, gay marriage and the use of fetuses for stem cell research. They say one thing but do another.
3. I'm actually for some sort of medical insurance reform (notice the word reform; not re-create) but I'm not for socialized medicine which would only bankrupt the economy and prevent the patient from making their own choices when it comes to health care. It is interesting to note that on's website, both Senator Hillary Clinton and House Speaker Pelosi receive over 40% of their funding for their campaigns from insurance companies. Does the public really think that the Democrats are going to bite the hand that feeds them?
4. Granting an amnesty for illegal immigrants and offering them health and educational benefits is, to me, not only criminal, but an insult to those of us who pay taxes and live, legally, in this country. However, this is just what the Democrats desire to do. The Democrats refuse to acknowledge the very laws they claim to protect.
For awhile, I was going to support the Democrats but no longer. I finally came to some common sense. It looks like the rest of the country is too.

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