Today, as I looked over the review of the Philadelphia mayoral debate last night, I read the issue of civil rights versus gay rights.
The issue has been divided, as all things seem to be in this country, between politics, definition of morality and what the definition of civil rights really means.
On the Republican candidate side, Al Taunenberg, is staunchly against a decision made by the Fairmount Park Council which will charge the Boy Scouts of America $200,000 a year to use city land for their yearly gatherings. If elected, he intends to reverse the Park Council's decision. For the past 80 years, the Boy Scouts, who pay but a dollar to rent the grounds but who also do a lot of caretaking, for free, for the property, have used the land without incident. However, seven years after the Supreme Court struck down a lawsuit by gay rights activists claiming that the Boy Scouts, who are run on Christian values, have the right to deny the position of scoutmaster to homosexual men, the same activists are now using blackmail to obtain their means. The 'threat' made to the Boy Scouts was literally, either allow gay men to play with boys in the Boy Scouts or we will evict you from city property.
On the Democrat candidate's side, Michael Nutter, a politician I had actually liked up to this point and who I considered voting for, has claimed that gay rights are the same as civil rights and claims that either the Boy Scouts pay the 'fee' or get off the land.
In any other place and time, this request would be considered extortion and blackmail.
I disagree, however, with Mr. Nutter's assumption that gay rights are the same as civil rights. There is no comparison between how homosexuals have been treated to the slavery that African Americans and other racial minorities endured before the start of the American Civil War and through the Jim Crow and the Civil Rights Era of the 1960s.
African Americans were considered genetically and racially inferior. They were barred from public education, religious institutions, holding property or public office. They ate in the back of diners and sat in the rear of buses. They were lynched, shot, burned and terrorized for the simple crime of saying hello to a white woman.
Homosexuals, however, have not experienced the same type of attitude and behavior towards them. They can and do hold public office and own property. They can vote freely, without harassment, eat where they want and travel from state to state without hardly a second glance. They have access to educational institutions and can speak freely without being shot at.
African Americans were born as they were. Homosexuals choose to be what they are. This is not an issue of genetics or race as it is an issue of morality.
Throughout civilization, homosexuality has been looked down as abherant behavior. Even outside of Christian influence, other religious faiths, including Buddhist, Hindu, Jews and Islam, also condemn same sex relationships. God states, quite clearly, in the books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy that men and women who lay with the same sex is an abomination to both God and man.
Biologically, same sex relationships are not normal for if they were then there would not be a need to seperate the sexes into two. Although sex is pleasurable, it's ultimate function is to produce life. People of the same sex cannot reproduce. It is physically impossible. If we were, as gay activist Chris Crocker states, all meant to be 'gay' then we would be asexual instead of heterosexual. There would be no need for male and female sex organs.
Gay activists claim that being 'gay' is a right. In this, I actually agree. God did give us free will to sin or not to sin. What you do behind closed doors is your own business, however, I do not believe that you should expect preferential treatment because of your sexual activities.
Elton John, Boy George and George Michael never experienced the same mistreatment as Martin Luther King, Malcolm X or even Mohammed Ali or Colin Powell.
Opening the door to gay rights is a Pandora's box. After this, what will be next? Will it be pedophiles claiming that they cannot control their sexual urges with children? Will prostitutes demand 'equal rights'? How about drug dealers, after all, peddling drugs is capitalism, isn't it? A free market?
Gay rights is not civil rights and I think it is disrespectful for homosexuals to claim an alliance or kin to how African Americans have been treated in this country. Their rights are nothing more than a political ploy to change the culture and morality of the United States and nothing else.
Being gay is not love but a corruption of love. Jesus was not gay but he loved everyone equally. He didn't have sex with anyone he chose to. I love my Dad and my brother in law but I've no desire to have sexual relations with them. I've had friends in the service I'd give my life for and consider brothers but no desire to be between the sheets with them. I can love them without sexual intercourse. This is something homosexuals cannot understand.
Gay rights are not civil rights.
I expect to be condemned for my thoughts and opinions but I would rather be honest and upfront on them then to hide them behind being 'cool' or politically correct.
It is not a crime, although there are those who are trying to make it so, to tell someone they are doing something wrong; particularly in the realm of morality.
You don't see me burning crosses, standing picket lines or beating up homosexuals. Those homosexuals I do know claim that I have always treated them with fairness and dignity even though I do not agree with their lifestyle.
You can love the sinner and hate the sin.
Let the chips fall where they may.
The issue has been divided, as all things seem to be in this country, between politics, definition of morality and what the definition of civil rights really means.
On the Republican candidate side, Al Taunenberg, is staunchly against a decision made by the Fairmount Park Council which will charge the Boy Scouts of America $200,000 a year to use city land for their yearly gatherings. If elected, he intends to reverse the Park Council's decision. For the past 80 years, the Boy Scouts, who pay but a dollar to rent the grounds but who also do a lot of caretaking, for free, for the property, have used the land without incident. However, seven years after the Supreme Court struck down a lawsuit by gay rights activists claiming that the Boy Scouts, who are run on Christian values, have the right to deny the position of scoutmaster to homosexual men, the same activists are now using blackmail to obtain their means. The 'threat' made to the Boy Scouts was literally, either allow gay men to play with boys in the Boy Scouts or we will evict you from city property.
On the Democrat candidate's side, Michael Nutter, a politician I had actually liked up to this point and who I considered voting for, has claimed that gay rights are the same as civil rights and claims that either the Boy Scouts pay the 'fee' or get off the land.
In any other place and time, this request would be considered extortion and blackmail.
I disagree, however, with Mr. Nutter's assumption that gay rights are the same as civil rights. There is no comparison between how homosexuals have been treated to the slavery that African Americans and other racial minorities endured before the start of the American Civil War and through the Jim Crow and the Civil Rights Era of the 1960s.
African Americans were considered genetically and racially inferior. They were barred from public education, religious institutions, holding property or public office. They ate in the back of diners and sat in the rear of buses. They were lynched, shot, burned and terrorized for the simple crime of saying hello to a white woman.
Homosexuals, however, have not experienced the same type of attitude and behavior towards them. They can and do hold public office and own property. They can vote freely, without harassment, eat where they want and travel from state to state without hardly a second glance. They have access to educational institutions and can speak freely without being shot at.
African Americans were born as they were. Homosexuals choose to be what they are. This is not an issue of genetics or race as it is an issue of morality.
Throughout civilization, homosexuality has been looked down as abherant behavior. Even outside of Christian influence, other religious faiths, including Buddhist, Hindu, Jews and Islam, also condemn same sex relationships. God states, quite clearly, in the books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy that men and women who lay with the same sex is an abomination to both God and man.
Biologically, same sex relationships are not normal for if they were then there would not be a need to seperate the sexes into two. Although sex is pleasurable, it's ultimate function is to produce life. People of the same sex cannot reproduce. It is physically impossible. If we were, as gay activist Chris Crocker states, all meant to be 'gay' then we would be asexual instead of heterosexual. There would be no need for male and female sex organs.
Gay activists claim that being 'gay' is a right. In this, I actually agree. God did give us free will to sin or not to sin. What you do behind closed doors is your own business, however, I do not believe that you should expect preferential treatment because of your sexual activities.
Elton John, Boy George and George Michael never experienced the same mistreatment as Martin Luther King, Malcolm X or even Mohammed Ali or Colin Powell.
Opening the door to gay rights is a Pandora's box. After this, what will be next? Will it be pedophiles claiming that they cannot control their sexual urges with children? Will prostitutes demand 'equal rights'? How about drug dealers, after all, peddling drugs is capitalism, isn't it? A free market?
Gay rights is not civil rights and I think it is disrespectful for homosexuals to claim an alliance or kin to how African Americans have been treated in this country. Their rights are nothing more than a political ploy to change the culture and morality of the United States and nothing else.
Being gay is not love but a corruption of love. Jesus was not gay but he loved everyone equally. He didn't have sex with anyone he chose to. I love my Dad and my brother in law but I've no desire to have sexual relations with them. I've had friends in the service I'd give my life for and consider brothers but no desire to be between the sheets with them. I can love them without sexual intercourse. This is something homosexuals cannot understand.
Gay rights are not civil rights.
I expect to be condemned for my thoughts and opinions but I would rather be honest and upfront on them then to hide them behind being 'cool' or politically correct.
It is not a crime, although there are those who are trying to make it so, to tell someone they are doing something wrong; particularly in the realm of morality.
You don't see me burning crosses, standing picket lines or beating up homosexuals. Those homosexuals I do know claim that I have always treated them with fairness and dignity even though I do not agree with their lifestyle.
You can love the sinner and hate the sin.
Let the chips fall where they may.