If Kokesh is a hero, then the left's definition of that term is completely befuddled if not ridiculous.
Kokesh broke several long standing codes of honor in the service. Just because he took off his unit patch did not exempt him from the regulation stating that servicemembers will not wear a uniform to any official protest. He also used profanity towards a superior officer which is a breach of discipline. Kokesh also had contempt for one of the board members, a Chief Warrant Officer, who sat on his appeal. Kokesh stated that the Warrant should not have sat on his board because he is not a commissioned officer.
The last time I looked at the Navy/Marine Corps rank system, we called Chief Warrant Officers as 'sir' symbolizing that they are indeed officers. Chief Warrant Officers are normally senior enlisted personnel who have been granted a commission as officers due to their sustained superior performance.
I guess Kokesh and I serve in two different militaries?
Not only is Kokesh in need of a lesson in discipline but he also needs a course in officer recognition.
Kokesh is no hero and to call him one is dishonorable.
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